2024 Event Details

Date: October 11-13, 2024
Location: WSU Pullman Campus, Washington

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Understanding the Theme H.O.P.E.

This year, our conference theme is H.O.P.E., which stands for "Helping build Opportunities in Pursuit of Education". Here at WSU, we aim to encourage our underrepresented community to pursue higher education as it can open doors and pathways that may have once seemed too far from reach.

H - Helping

Helping signifies the support and assistance provided to individuals. This can include mentorship, resources, and guidance to help them navigate their educational paths and overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

O - Opportunities

Opportunities represent the various chances and possibilities that are made available to individuals. These can be in the form of scholarships, internships, workshops, and other educational programs that enable personal and academic growth.

P - Pursuit

Pursuit highlights the active effort and determination required to achieve educational goals. It emphasizes the importance of perseverance and dedication in striving towards one’s aspirations and dreams.

E - Education

Education is the foundation of the acronym, focusing on the importance of learning and personal development. It underscores the value of acquiring knowledge, skills, and experiences that contribute to an individual’s overall growth and success.

✨ H.O.P.E emphasizes creating and pursuing opportunities that support personal goals throughout individuals’ educational journeys, fostering a supportive and empowering environment for all learners. ✨

Opportunities at the Conference

🌱 Broaden your Horizons: Immerse yourselves in an environment where personal and academic growth are not just encouraged but celebrated. Discover how pursuing higher education can open a world of possibilities that you may not have imagined before.

🌱 Learn from Inspiring Leaders: Our team leaders and SHAPING cohort are excited to share their personal journeys and experiences as college students. Their stories will provide you with a unique insight into what it's really like to be a part of a college community.

🌱 Connect and Network: Interact with like-minded peers, mentors, and professionals who are equally passionate about education and personal development. This is a chance for you to expand your network and connect with individuals who share their aspirations.

🌱 Get your Questions Answered: Do you have questions about college life, higher education, or the journey ahead? We're here to help! You can feel free to reach out to us with any concerns or queries either through Instagram (@shapingconference) or email (si.shaping@wsu.edu).

Chaperones & Parents

High school teachers, counselors, staff, and parents are welcome to attend as chaperones. All prospective chaperones must complete the chaperone application form, undergo a background check, and pay the chaperone fee upon selection. Chaperones will be notified of their acceptance status, as we may not be able to accommodate all applicants.

Lodging & Roommates

All participants are allowed to select their preferred roommates on their application with the understanding that we will do our best to accommodate those needs, but that there is no guarantee. Private rooms are not available.


People with dietary needs should communicate those needs when registering. SHAPING will work with you to make necessary arrangements.

What to Bring

  • Personal Hygiene Products (deodorant, hair products, etc.)
  • Comfortable (Warm) Clothing and Shoes
  • Towel and Shower Items (soap, shampoo, etc.)
  • Shower Shoes (e.g., flip-flops)
    • As you will be staying in a residence hall, it's important to have shower shoes.
  • Sheets and Pillow
    • You will be staying on a twin bed, so please bring sheets and a pillow
  • Sleeping Bag (if desired)
  • Alarm Clock
  • Snacks for the Bus Ride & During the Weekend (if needed)
  • Attire for the Saturday Evening Banquet (semi-formal)
  • Workout/Recreation Attire
  • Umbrella (in case of rain)

Note: Students will be sharing a room with one other student, two twin beds in each room. 

    Do Not Bring

    •  Electronics (Ipads/Tablets, Laptops) that might be stolen or lost
    • Drugs and Alcohol
    •  Weapons
    •  A bad attitude. Come with an open mind and be ready to learn

    Attendee Expectations

    • Attend and participate in each session of the Conference, understanding that participation can mean listening, sharing viewpoints, fully participating in the experiential activities or supporting those who do.
    • Refrain from using alcohol or other drugs while at the conference.
    • Take responsibility for their own learning.
    • Agree to ask questions if they don't understand, participate even if they have done an activity before, and challenge themselves to step out of their "comfort zone."
    • Respect individual differences and the dignity of all people.
    • Keep an open mind and strive to learn a new perspective on the world.
    • Not leave the Conference property without permission from a University Official.
    • Respect the conference property and treat it accordingly.
    • Engage others in the lifelong learning process after the conclusion of the Conference.
    • Do a lot of walking around campus